Once upon a time, I was in such a mess,

survival was as likely as a Blue Moon.


lisatransparenthqAfter years of training, landing a professional job, getting married and moving into my dream home, I got sick. What? Who, me? Where did that come from?

I do not even want to elaborate on the financial disasters…

Seriously, I had gastritis, chest pains, sleeplessness and relational turmoil. I waswell “educated” in medicine, worked in the medical field and nothing that the doctor prescribed was helping. Even a combination of five different types of medications could not alleviate the stomach burning and cramping. Then I developed an abnormal cell growth. I was a mess.

What I soon discovered was that drugs were simply NOT the answer. My stress was brought on by judgments and expectations that were not only false but simply unrealistic. I would NOT recommend the stopping of all medications, but I did. They just were not working. What got me INTO trouble was my thinking and I discovered that thinking was the only thing that would get me out.

I had changed jobs and was learning several new skills and perspectives. I was transitioning from being a pharmacist to working in pharmaceutical sales. Instead of people seeking me for information and counseling, I was chasing down time with my clients to provide information and get sales. I was not meeting corporate expectations and for several months, I was not making the company goals that were set for me.

I began to get nervous and stressed out over my performance, my finances and my health. I was experiencing stomach cramps, burning pain from foods that I ate and coffee that I was drinking. I could not sleep well because I would ruminate over failures to get the sales numbers that I needed to stay employed. My manager was supportive but none of that mattered because I was not meeting the expectations of company goals.

Being that sick with the burning and cramping in my stomach and loosing sleep did not help my performance. I sought medical help. My doctor put me on five different types of medications to stop the burning, ease the cramping, reduce the reflux of acid and help heal my burning stomach lining. He also gave me something to help me sleep. After several weeks of taking these medications, nothing had changed and I was getting desperate.

Then I realized that the medications could not change the mental processing that I was going through and that was what had generated all of my symptoms. Since none of my medications were making a difference, I stopped everything. (I would not recommend that other people stop their medications the way that I did.)

I was at my wits end. I thought that I had tried everything to save myself from the embarrassment of being a failure. I realized, finally, that what I was going through resulted from my thinking and judgments of my performance. I finally decided to let go and release all of my thoughts of inadequacy and turn to the guidance I knew I could get from God. Actually, I did not have anywhere else to turn. I just gave Him all of my life and trusted that what ever came of it would be in His hands.

That step alone, and reminding myself of Matthew 6:33, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be given unto you.” got me back on the road to recovery.

I began relaxing during the day. I went back to more time in self-care instead of frantically over giving and doing for others. I was able to sleep peacefully again and began waking up refreshed. It took a few months, but as I changed my thinking, I improved my health, my personal engagement became stronger and my sales performance soared. I was surprised and delighted.


What ultimately got me on the right path was

restoring my faith in the Divine Purpose of my life.


I absolutely had to do something creative, something uniquely ME and something that made my heart sing. I began to write music. I began to sing my songs in public and I began to make people laugh. What I needed was more JOY in my life. I found that the more I gave JOY away, the more I had for myself.

Before long, I was speaking in churches and on stage in clubs, making people laugh. They actually asked me to come back. WOW, was I in my element. I knew I had to switch gears and live my passion of helping people by creating their JOY. Living their dream and becoming energetically engaged in their lives. That is what I am here to do!

What got me out of bed is exactly what I can help you do, with a bounce. It is all about Creative Energy Optimization, being the C.E.O. of your life. That is why I work with professionals who want to maximize time and energy, Create more WEALTH and FUN and still get important things DONE.

I help people develop Relational Leadership through Christ for peak Performance, Productivity and JOY!

Schedule your free discovery session today!

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