The JOYS of Health

I have experienced life as a pharmacist for over four decades and things have most certainly changed. I do not like the trends that I see. This is because we, as a society, know more about health and yet are not as healthy as we used to be. In the last three or so years, the life expectancy has decreased, 2015, 2016, 2017. This decline has not been seen since 1916, 1917 and 1918 when the Spanish Flu so dramatically impacted lives worldwide.

In the early 1900’s, infections were the issue impacting longevity. Today the death toll is due to chronic diseases, diseases such as heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s. Americans suffering from a chronic disease is close to one in two people, 30% of children now have a chronic disease and seven out of 10 deaths are due to a chronic disease.

There is so much more education about health today than ever before. Yet, putting this information to work for you is not happening. I have been told, “Prevention does not sell!” OK!  I say, “It is not about prevention as much as ATTENTION to your life style.

There are six important aspects about life style that must be implemented as daily habits.

Lets focus on     OUR M.N.M.M.S. or    R.M.N.M.M.S


I am talking about relationships to each other, to our health care providers, but most importantly, our relationship to our selves and the relationship you have with your Creator.  When you truly love and appreciate the miracle of your body and how fortunate you are to even exist, wouldn’t you want to take better care of your vehicle of LIFE? I am emphasizing Your vehicle FOR life?

Think of it this way. You learn to drive, get a car and then you are told that this car needs to last you for the rest of your life, the next 50 to 70 years. Your body is worth so much more than any vehicle. And unlike any vehicle of travel, it has the ability to rebuild, restore and regenerate itself if given the appropriate environment and nutrition.

Your body needs honor, respect, support and love. Handle it with care! “R” is like the word “our” for remembrance sake and the word “our” is a relationship term. You become who you relate to and with. Promote relationships with health-minded people. and develop that healthy relationship with yourself. This includes the knowing of your “WHY” and the divine right power that knowing your inner wisdom brings.

M is for MINDSET

I am referring to attitude, faith, perspective, and a host of elements that contribute to stress.  Stress is the foundation for the 10 most common causes of death in our modern world. Most dis-ease begins with ruminations that go nowhere and often emerge out of a victim mentality. Being “responsible” is a great place to start. Your life begins and emerges from the thoughts that you think about all day long. Choose your thoughts and choose your life.  Your life is a reflection of your thoughts and those thoughts show up in your health.


You are what you eat. Everything that your body is made of comes from what you put IN your body or EXPOSE your body to. This includes environmental toxins, contaminated water and polluted air. Smoke of any source is a hazard to lungs, kidney and bladder tissue, not to mention what it can do to prematurely age skin. Solar nutrition is also a vital factor. Your body is like a solar panel. It derives vital energy from the sun.


You were made to MOVE. Along with the toxicity of smoking because circulation is impaired, sitting has become the new smoking. Our modern conveniences allow so much to be done for us in favor of the life of leisure. Then, to sty fit, people sign up for fitness programs that take the place of washing their own car, sweeping the sidewalk, mowing the lawn, planting and harvesting the crops or simply walking to school, work or to go shopping.

Movement not only boosts circulation, it strengthens the heart, torso and muscles of the extremities. The heart consistently pumps blood through over 60 thousand miles of blood vessels each day. That distance is more than two trips around the world. Movement stimulates lymphatic circulation. It removes waste products from the cellular environment by flushing the surrounding fluids. Movement promotes removal of toxins through perspiration, breathing and bowels. It is like taking a shower on the inside.  

M is for MONEY

Health cannot be bought with money and yet it is the source of your earning power. Yes, money does pay for health care, however, it does not mean that you will be healthy.  One of my poorly nourished managers that enjoyed smoking on his break once told me that he did not worry about getting sick because now, “there is a drug for everything!” Yes, there are lots of drugs for lots of diseases, however, health is not the result of taking those drugs. Those drugs not only cost money, they cost you in the form of side effects, long term organ damage and consequences of forgetfulness. Prescription drug use is now responsible for more deaths per year than traffic accidents.

No one can manage your health as well as you can. You are as unique as your thumbprint and what works for you is highly individual. You have heard the saying, “Time is Money.” The last thing you want to do is waste time being sick. Your financial health is vital to creating your joy. Living up to your performance capabilities assures adequate financial health and more if desired.

S is for SLEEP

The sleep process is yet to be fully understood, however, it is the foundation of health. Sleep impacts mental clarity, focus, cell turnover and organ restoration. The dramatic miracle of healing is most profound during sleep. Sleep restores metabolic and hormonal efficiencies.

We must live in honor of the circadian rhythm in order to have the energy of vital health. When life gets hectic, it is not unusual to impose upon the invaluable benefits of sleep time. Pulling late nighters is hazardous to your health. Keeping a steady early morning wake-up time is best, even on weekends when work requirements are lighter.

You can easily wake up younger tomorrow when you consistently sleep according to the natural rhythm of your internal clock.

The World Health Organization considers health in two important categories. First, health allows your body to maintain homeostasis when presented with various challenges such as stress, infections and traumas. Secondly, health becomes a vital part of wellbeing because it allows you to fulfill on your goals and aspirations.

I am introducing The Health Leadership Forum to those who want to learn more about living in the practice of  “R.M.N.M.M.S. Health EXPERTS are joining me in discussing the above six pillars for good health. These experts live and work across the country and in Canada. They have amazing stories of health challenges that were overcome by implementing practices described by these six pillars of health.

This educational series is for you if you would like to implement new health tips today that will enhance your level of performance. As awareness is valuable, so implementation is vital. My goal is to allow you to choose your path for experiencing more time, energy and the Joys of Health so that you succeed in living out your purpose with people that matter most.

Watch closely for an opportunity to register for this educational series soon. The event will begin October 15, 2018 and be available to listen to and share with friends and family if you believe helpful until October 30, 2018.

I welcome comments and/or requests for health-related issues that you may be interested in. Our series of experts will be delighted to address your requests.


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