Wonderfully Made

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I have always thought of Thomas A. Edison as the man who developed the light bulb, until I saw this sign.

It was posted in my dental office, of all places.

We are wonderfully made and our bodies have tremendous healing and feeling capabilities.

A healthy body is free of pain. A healthy mind is full of creativity and a healthy spirit is full of JOY!

These are things that money can not buy.

We have everything within to live a long and fruitful life.

Why pursue possessions that retire in dust and obsolescence?

Why spend money on things that do not serve beyond last year’s spring cleaning event.

All that is needed is the care and nurture of your body, mind and spirit.

Prevention is the intention of the day and living in the peace of good health surpasses all the other “bright” ideas that come and go.

Stay tuned for my new book “Drug-Free IF You Wanna Be: 7 Secrets to Mastering Stress for Unstoppable Success”

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