Ready to learn how to save energy and maximize your time using faith-based methods? This free 3-day training series will show you how to gain control over your thoughts and negative emotions in life by setting clear goals and intentions.


If you are a growth-minded professional struggling to get creative new ideas, wondering where to find the energy and focus which is causing you to lose sleep, get grouchy and stressed out…YOU are in the right place!

Once you discover how to release THE BONDAGE OF TIME,  you will create more wealth, peace and joy. 

I work with professionals who want to maximize TIME and ENERGY,  create more wealth and FUN in their lives and still get important things DONE!

This is what I know for sure:


YOU can be the C. E. O. (Creative Energetic Optimizer) of your life!


YOU can find creative ways to overcome your challenges


YOU can synergize with people to create the dream team for your goals !

So why keep waiting and struggling to get results? Schedule your free 30-minute Discovery Session using the link below, and I can help you devise a plan to bring more JOY back into your life!


Are You in the Flow?

Whether it is North, East, South or West, river’s flow how they know best. They flow into the sea or ocean. The nature of nature is to flow according to its nature. So too does your body. A newborn healthy baby has everything doing and going the way it needs to go. In time, and with language, the...

Are You a Good Communicator?

Sometimes actions speak louder than words, especially for children and animals. Try speaking to a "bird." It is important to communicate in the benefit of safety and creating an advantage to those who do not want to hear what you have to say. Start with a little more love and JOY. Both open the...

The JOYS of Health

I have experienced life as a pharmacist for over four decades and things have most certainly changed. I do not like the trends that I see. This is because we, as a society, know more about health and yet are not as healthy as we used to be. In the last three or so years, the life expectancy has...

Are You Sheepish?

Does fear of the unknown leave you a little sheepish? Driving across the country, up and down the West Coast and even around town, new opportunit­ies for adventure emerge. Are you afraid of trying new things? New things are a way of adding variety to life, it's the spice. It keeps the moss from...

Wonderfully Made

I have always thought of Thomas A. Edison as the man who developed the light bulb, until I saw this sign. It was posted in my dental office, of all places. We are wonderfully made and our bodies have tremendous healing and feeling capabilities. A healthy body is free of pain. A healthy mind is...

Health Tips for Conference Junkies

Are you a conference junkie? Well, I am. I love learning new things and going to conferences. The only problem is, sometimes my legs stick to the chair. My legs stick to the chair because I am sitting TOO much. That can even make me tired with backaches or headaches just because I am not moving...


Relationships Getting along with people is one of life’s most rewarding lessons. People bring out the best and the worst in you. They are an amazing training ground for developing those characteristics that refine the completeness of you. One of the best ways to truly stay on track with meaningful...

Hormesis (not Hormones)

I mean hormesis, not hormones, although hormones do play a role in hormesis. My spell checker does not even think this is a word, however, it is a specialized term. It is a scientific term used to mean “What does not kill you can make you stronger!” This is a powerful concept and something that...

Celebrating Life

Celebrating Life & Mother Nature Mother Nature has a lot of wisdom in store for us. We can learn from Her! Sometimes a little humor can go a long way to lighten the load of everyday stress. Whatever the situation, a perspective from “higher ground” will give you a better perspective and let you...

Are you an Early Bird?

Below is a picture just outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice the moon approaching its quarter. As I am traveling to Chicago, I rediscovered an interesting thing about time. Driving the distance to Chicago means lots of miles each day. Yet, because I am heading EAST, I get one less hour a day...

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